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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Json::FastWriterOutputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly)
Json::FeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer
Json::PathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
Json::PathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
Json::ReaderUnserialize a JSON document into a Value
Json::StaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
Json::StyledStreamWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string
Json::StyledWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way
Json::ValueRepresents a JSON value
Json::ValueArrayAllocatorExperimental: do not use
Json::ValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
Json::ValueInternalArrayA simplified deque implementation used internally by Value
Json::ValueInternalLinkValueInternalMap hash-map bucket chain link (for internal use only)
Json::ValueInternalMapA linked page based hash-table implementation used internally by Value
Json::ValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
Json::ValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators
Json::ValueMapAllocatorAllocator to customize Value internal map
Json::WriterAbstract class for writers

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